Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's 2012!!!!

Hey bloggers, Happy 2012! I had a blast on New Years Eve and I hope that you guys did too. I spent the holidays with my family as I told you in my last vlog. It was nice to go to Georgia where the temperature was awesome. The day after Christmas we went to the park and all we wore were jackets! I know right. LOL!

So there's some pretty awesome stuff happening in 2012. The first thing is that a lot of good books are coming out this year, but aren't they always. On February 28th The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter will be out! I've been looking for this book since I started to Lord Series and I can't wait to read about Paris! I'll have more about that the closer it gets to the date and of course I'll do the review. Also, Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward will be out on March 27th. I'm really really excited about that book! Thor is such a tortured character and I just want to see him happy. So more on that the closer that date comes too.

There's some cool dates this year too. There Comic Con that will have Karen Marie Moning on the panel in June or July, I'll have to double check that. And there's Dragon Con in Atlanta that will have tons of cool authors like Laurell K and Karen Marie etc. More on that too.

So Happy New Year guys and I'll post more soon!