Monday, July 2, 2012

Deadly Fury on Hold!

*not my writing, just a pic*

So as the title says Deadly Fury is on least for a little while. I'm working extensively on Deadly Caress edits for the foreseeable future. Who knew writing a book would be so hard! No, but editing does suck and I see why most authors say it's the part they hate most. My agent is awesome though and helping a lot, so here goes round one of series edits. There's a lot of work ahead of me, but I'm hoping it'll pay off! More updates soon...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Widget!

I just added a new word progress meter to the blog! I'm excited! I've always seen them around and I couldn't figure out how to get one, but after extensive web research (bless the internet), I finally found it! So as you can see I've just barely started Deadly Fury, but I'm hoping the sad little meter will give me incentive to write.

Next week, on Tuesday, I'm going to be featured on Jalisa Blackman's blog as I answer questions for her "Minority Report". So come over and check it out. The link to the website is bellow. More updates soon!

Monday, June 18, 2012

First Edits Done!

I have finally finished the first round of edits on Deadly Caress! I'm so excited.  I feel like things are moving, and I couldn't be more happy. So I've sent it off to my amazing agent, Nicole Resciniti, and now I'm waiting for her to finish and then on to round two of edits!

Also I've realized that my brain hates/loves me. I'd planned to take a little break before starting Deadly Fury, Book 2, but the ideas won't stop coming. So I've started working on it. Here's a little taste of it. The opening paragraph...

Tear-assing down a back alley after demon scum, Zorn was mad enough to spit fire, literally. Though the fire would come from his hands, not his mouth, it wouldn't be any less fucking effective. When he caught the bastard he was going to barbecue the fucker; demon nuts roasting on an open fire. And he would enjoy every damn minute of it. 

More updates soon!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Deadly Caress Ending Party!

I AM OFFICIALLY FINISHED WITH DEADLY CARESS! It's party time baby! I feel so great for having finally finished this story that I've been working on since last October. My baby has finally been born. Now it's time to watch it grow up. I'll start edits on the manuscript tonight, and I'm even more excited to get started doing that. It'll be great to read my story from start to finish, while editing it of course, to see the entire product together. So the finished result of working on this book while in school and the mad dash I've done to get it finished since school ended is a 377 page 113, 469 word manuscript! Of course I haven't edited yet so that will definitely change, but I'm still happy I accomplished something so great. All those who have done it know that writing a book is not easy. Hell, it's hard, but when you do what you love it doesn't feel so much like work.

I want to thank my mother who has been a giant help as I've written this manuscript. She's edited Every chapter  (there are 30 and a prologue) laughed and got frustrated with me over the characters and the plot. She's helped me develop the story and given me ideas when I was stuck, so thank you so much! And now she and I are going to start from the beginning and edit the hell out of it! Deadly Caress is the second manuscript I've finished, but it's the first I've seriously thought about getting published, and it's the first one that I think is good enough to publish.

On another note, I plan on starting writing the next book in the Deadly Seven serious after I finish the edits of DC. I'm really excited to start that book too! The next book will be about the deadly sin Wrath and will probably pick up a few months after Deadly Caress ends. I have a name for the book, but I'm not sure how much I love it. So right now it's called Deadly Fury, but I was also thinking of Deadly Fire. I'll post more updates on the second book soon!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Novel Countdown Update! One Week to Go!

So like the title says I am one week away from finishing Deadly Caress! I'm extremely excited to be finished. This past week I got four chapters finished instead of just three. I'd planned to work from Tuesday to Saturday and then give myself a break, but life happens and I've been kind of sick so it took be until Monday to finish. But in that time I got 15,000 words writing! So I've started writing for this final stretch today and I'm going to be done Friday if nothing else happens. My word count for the entire manuscript right now is 90K and some change! Four more chapters to go!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Novel Countdown Update!!

Hey everyone! So I exceeded my goal of 7,000+ words for the week again, coming in at 11, 418 words!!! YAY! That's a little more than last time. I finished three more chapters and I'm that much closer to wrapping Deadly Caress up! So like last time, I started working on Tuesday and finished Friday. There was a lot of all-nighters and too many cups of coffee to count, but I'm on a roll. So I'm sure I'm going to be done by the last week in May. My word count now is 76,203 which means I'm about a quarter of the way done. I'm so excited to be wrapping up the story! The next fun part will be going back over and editing the crap out of it! More updates later this week!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Novel Countdown Update!

So I was supposed to start Friday May 4th and write until the following Friday when I would give an update on my progress. Well, I went out of town until Sunday and Monday I was wrung out so I didn't start until May 8th, but I got three chapters done from the 8th until the 11th and 11,370 words written which was about 4,000 more words than my minimum for the week! YAY! So I'm on the right track. I didn't get anything done this past Saturday and Sunday and it's slow going today, but I'm hoping for it to pick up tomorrow. So know my word count for my manuscript is at 64,649 words. I'm on my way! My next update day is Friday!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Novel Countdown Extravaganza!!!!

My last day of school is tomorrow! I'm really excited to be finished with this semester, but now my next challenge is upon me. Starting May 4th I'm doing a 45 day countdown to finish my Paranormal Romance novel, Deadly Caress. Right now I'm about 53,000 words in and I'm a little more than half way done. So I figure if I do AT LEAST 1,050 words a day, about 7,400 words a week, I'll be finished in my time frame. Of course this is just to finish it/ give it an ending, not have it done and edited in that time. So I'm going to post my word count every week and talk about my progress (and probably struggle) with reaching my goal. Wish me luck!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Workin' Day and Night

So school has me pretty busy right now. These next two weeks are going to be a killer on me with a 10 page and a 15 page essay and a 12 page story re-write...yeah hectic. So I haven't been able to even look, let alone touch, Deadly Caress. I promised my lovely agent that I'd be done by the end of May, but I might have to push that back a few weeks. My new date to be finished is June 8th. That way I can account for these two weeks where nothing is getting done and I'll be finished before the 10th when TRUEBLOOD comes back on! So I'm excited to be done with my first official year of college (The previous year I attended UIC and then a community college). So yeah, yay me! Will keep you posted more on page count and the closer I get to my goal. Right now I'm at about 52,000 words! So I'm about half way done. The only thing that's running through my mind is "Stay focused, stay focused, stay focused!"

Friday, April 20, 2012


I just published my first website and I'm really excited and happy. It's not super fancy, but its mine and I love it. So go check it out! Something I found out about myself is that I love everything perfect and precise. It took me hours to position and get the damn thing exactly how I wanted it, and I'm still not totally happy with it. But that's me! So go check it out at !

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hey everyone! My blog is undergoing some drastic changes...okay not DRASTIC, but changes nevertheless so if you click things and they don't go anywhere or that page is empty its because I'm working on it. I hope to have it finished by tomorrow night. Keep your fingers crossed!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

RT Convention

So this week the RT (Romance Times) Convention was held in Rosemont, Illinois and I was very fortunate to be able to attend. There were so many great authors there and the events were fun. There was a ton of workshops, author panels, fun parties, and a giant book fair this morning with over 300 hundred authors there.

It was my first RT Convention. Actually it was my first ever convention! I really enjoyed myself and the best part of the conference would have to be that I won the American "Idol" Voice Writing Competition and now I have a fantastic agent and some prospects on getting published! I'm very excited! It all still seems so unreal and I'll be posting tomorrow talking specifically about the contest and how my life is changing.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to all of the beautiful Irish people out in the world today. Have loads of fun! In Chicago there's so much fun stuff to do, so I'll be downtown at around 3pm until...... Yeah, so I was thinking that I was going to write a little story specifically for this occasion (I even started it) but I have WAY too much work to do for school. So, maybe next year! Just enjoy this little joke......

An Irishman had been drinking at a pub all night.  The bartender finally said that the bar is closing. So the Irishman stood up to leave and fell flat on his face. He tried to stand one more time; same result. He figured he'll crawl outside and get some fresh air and maybe that will sober him up.
Once outside he stood up and fell flat on his face. So he decided to crawl the 4 blocks to his home. When he arrived at the door he stood up and again fell flat on his face.  He crawled through the door and into his bedroom. When he reached his bed he tried one more time to stand up. This time he managed to pull himself upright, but he quickly fell right into bed and is sound asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.   He was awakened the next morning to his wife standing over him, shouting, "So, you've been out drinking again!!"
     "What makes you say that?" he asked, putting on an innocent look.
     "The pub called. You left your wheelchair there again."  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's 2012!!!!

Hey bloggers, Happy 2012! I had a blast on New Years Eve and I hope that you guys did too. I spent the holidays with my family as I told you in my last vlog. It was nice to go to Georgia where the temperature was awesome. The day after Christmas we went to the park and all we wore were jackets! I know right. LOL!

So there's some pretty awesome stuff happening in 2012. The first thing is that a lot of good books are coming out this year, but aren't they always. On February 28th The Darkest Seduction by Gena Showalter will be out! I've been looking for this book since I started to Lord Series and I can't wait to read about Paris! I'll have more about that the closer it gets to the date and of course I'll do the review. Also, Lover Reborn by J.R. Ward will be out on March 27th. I'm really really excited about that book! Thor is such a tortured character and I just want to see him happy. So more on that the closer that date comes too.

There's some cool dates this year too. There Comic Con that will have Karen Marie Moning on the panel in June or July, I'll have to double check that. And there's Dragon Con in Atlanta that will have tons of cool authors like Laurell K and Karen Marie etc. More on that too.

So Happy New Year guys and I'll post more soon!