Thursday, November 10, 2011

Questions for the Soul

Hey Bloggers,

I was just sitting here doing some homework for school, which entails me writing a bunch of stories (how cool is that), but I was thinking about how happy and fulfilled you feel when you find your niche. As a kid I went through millions of career paths, some being a lawyer and a fashion designer, until I found my love for stories. I'd always written stories for fun and my favorite part in school was when we had to write narratives, but it was just a hobby until I was at home on leave from school after I had my daughter and I just started writing Escaping Truth and I just knew then that, that's what I wanted to do. When was your epiphany moment when you realized what you wanted to do for the rest of your life, and if you haven't had that moment yet, why do you think that is? Also if you've had that epiphany and you're fulfilling your dream, what is it and how did you reach this goal? Tell me what you think.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Monday!

Hey guys it's early on Monday morning and I decided to post. I'm feeling pretty good today even though it's 8am on a Monday. So since I'm in such a good mood I'm going to post a teaser from my oh so coveted story. So, good morning and here you go.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Vlog; Watty Awards


I'm so excited! I just found out that my story "Escaping Truth" is a potential for the Watty Awards on I didn't even really think it would go anywhere because there are so many good writers on there that have been on longer than me and have a broader fan base. So know that I know I have a chance, it's crunch time because I have until November 30th to get as many votes, reads, and likes as possible. I'm going to need everyone's help.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

J.S. Walker Story Blog: First Video Blog

J.S. Walker Story Blog: First Video Blog

First Video Blog

I'm Back!

I have been gone for months and it's because I started school at Columbia and I've just been so busy. It's great. I get to write stories for homework. It's like it's not even work. But I'll be posting more information about stories I'm working on and some excerpts from some stories as well. I'm going to make sure I keep up with it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hey everyone, there's exciting new. For those of you who don't know, Karen Chance's new Cassie Palmer book hit stories on June 7th. I've been expecting Hunt the Moon for years. I'm happy that it's out and I haven't read it yet, but as soon as I do, I'll put my review up.

Where have I been?

I've been gone way too long. I've been busy at school and blah blah blah, but the really important part is that I've finished the edits on Escaping Truth and now it's on hoping to win the Watty Awards for Science Fiction and maybe other categories. I'm so excited. I just want to get my story out and have everyone enjoy it.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Work!

This is one of my stories that I'm working on now. It's untitled as of right now, but I'm waiting for inspiration to hit me. This is a scene when the main character, Jazlynn, meets her love interest for the first time. Enjoy


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Good Read

I've read and listened to many different books since the New Year, but I'd have to say that the best book of 2011, so far, is Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning. If you haven't read this series you need to go to your closest book store and buy the first book in this series, Darkfever. Shadowfever wraps up MacKayla Lane's story really well, while leaving with the impression that there will be more. The story is full of twists and turn and the ending will floor you. Mrs. Moning is a great author that draws you into her world of Fae and magic, and has you wondering if these events aren't real and not just a story. This book was a great way to wrap up the series. I give it five stars.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ugh! Chicago Weather!

So in a few hours Chicago is supposed to have the biggest snow storm of the century. I hate snow and anything to do with, but on the upside, since there will be no school I'll have plenty of time to read and post blogs. There's always a silver lining.


My First Blog Post!

As seen by the title this is my first blog post so bear with me. The welcome pretty much says what this blog will be about. I will put some of my work on here and summaries of books that I like and think that you should read. There might be a little of my everyday life in here too. Just bear with me and please comment.