Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My Work!

This is one of my stories that I'm working on now. It's untitled as of right now, but I'm waiting for inspiration to hit me. This is a scene when the main character, Jazlynn, meets her love interest for the first time. Enjoy


           He stuck his hand out for me to shake and it was huge. It engulfed mine and I was amazed because I didn’t have small dainty hands, being five feet ten. Most men’s hands were maybe a little bigger than mine, but I never felt like I had small hands. His hands made mine feel pixie like.

            When I put my hand in his, he gripped it and shook. He had a firm but gentle grip. I had the impression that he was holding back, as if he knew that if he showed just a little of his strength, he could break my hand. It was a scary and exciting feeling. He didn’t have hands that a business man should have. His hands were calloused; they were hands that knew what hard work was. I tried to pull my hand away, but he held me there and wouldn’t let go.
            “Ms. Miller, it’s nice to meet you,” he said and his voice flowed over me. It was dark and rich like chocolate and I had a sweet tooth. There was a slit barley even present lilt that I couldn’t place.
            “It’s nice to meet you too,” I said drawing my hand back again. This time he let it go. He smiled and until that moment, I didn’t know I was a teeth girl. His pearly whites shined and only made that smile even better. Well would you look at that, I thought, he has dimples.
            “Have a seat Ms. Miller. Would you like anything, coffee?” he asked gesturing towards one the chairs sitting in front of his desk.
            “No thanks you and you can call me Jazlynn. I’m just an intern reporter. I want you to know that even though I’m just an intern, I’m really good at what I do,” I said smiling digging in my bag for my tape recorder and my note pad. I liked the recorder just in case I missed anything.
            “That’s very modest of you, Jazlynn.” I had never heard my ordinary name said more beautifully. 

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