Monday, April 23, 2012

Workin' Day and Night

So school has me pretty busy right now. These next two weeks are going to be a killer on me with a 10 page and a 15 page essay and a 12 page story re-write...yeah hectic. So I haven't been able to even look, let alone touch, Deadly Caress. I promised my lovely agent that I'd be done by the end of May, but I might have to push that back a few weeks. My new date to be finished is June 8th. That way I can account for these two weeks where nothing is getting done and I'll be finished before the 10th when TRUEBLOOD comes back on! So I'm excited to be done with my first official year of college (The previous year I attended UIC and then a community college). So yeah, yay me! Will keep you posted more on page count and the closer I get to my goal. Right now I'm at about 52,000 words! So I'm about half way done. The only thing that's running through my mind is "Stay focused, stay focused, stay focused!"


  1. LOL! Like a mantra going thru your head, kinda like the "little engine that could"...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! I THOUGHT I COULD!!! Advise from your mother...drink plenty of fluids, get a good night sleep and ALWAYS tell your mom you love her! WORDS TO LIVE BY! ;D
